René Magritte Museum in Brussels


René Magritte is a Belgian painter whose genre of work was surrealism. This man was able to leave to the whole world an incredibly large number of paintings that were amazing, incredible and rather mysterious. All of his works were placed in a wonderful museum, which was named after Rene Magritte.


There is something in the museum building that can cause admiration and a sense of beauty among all its visitors. The artist's works are enchanting, they are able to cause a rather strong impression, because in many paintings there is an original design with sketches of the "Empire of Light".

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The area of ​​the museum is approximately 2,500 square meters. m. On this territory there are works that make you immerse yourself in it, think about the meaning of life, and also carefully reflect on this or that state of affairs. Many works by Rene Magritte contain riddles and riddles, the solution of which sometimes seems unrealistic.

The location of the museum is the Royal Square, the neoclassical building of the Antenloch hotel, which was reconstructed closer to 1985. Despite this, the museum itself was opened in 2009. During the first year of work, a huge number of visitors came here, which in total amounted to more than 500,000 people!

The museum contains a variety of paintings, drawings, sculptures, painted objects, posters, photographs and films, which, of course, were created by a man recognized as the genius of painting around the world. There are some works here that were found or borrowed from private collectors with great effort, some of them were bought for pretty decent money.


The total number of present expositions in the museum is about 200 creations. It is considered the largest among all those that are present in museums around the world. The surrealist Rene Magritte also loved to photograph and paint with gouache, so many different old photographs and gouache drawings can surprise every visitor and give the opportunity to stand a little longer and enjoy each creation. Here you can see many archival documents, letters and other personal belongings that previously belonged to the famous artist.

The museum has many rooms, each of which contains a particular collection that can demonstrate each of the periods of the artist's life and work. If we talk about what is located on the third floor, then there is a huge number of works from his early period of creativity. This includes an incredible number of posters, samples of wallpaper patterns that he himself designed while working in the wallpaper factory, as well as many famous canvases, including the "Treachery of Images" series.

The second floor of the museum houses the artist's creations of the 30-50s of the 20th century. Here you can look at many advertising posters created by Rene in order to feed himself and earn at least a piece of bread. In addition, here you can see a huge number of sketches of paintings.

And finally, on the ground floor there are works that relate to the late period of creativity. At this moment, Rene did not think at all about the financial situation in which he was, as he was doing well with finances and the artist lived in full prosperity. It was this period of his life that he devoted to creativity and painting.

Zest of creativity

Magritte was able to masterfully create contrasts between a well-written old combination of an unreal object and a natural environment, thanks to this goal, the artist was able to actively use in his creations many symbols of different mirrors, eyes, windows, this includes the painting of the False Mirror of 1935, The Key to the Space of 1936, and the Wonderful World of 1962. Among the many works of the man, there are those that are incredibly filled with philosophy and literature, including the Gigantess of 1929-1930, the Arnheim Field of 1938. A little later, the artist performs several frescoes, which can also be studied in detail by visiting the museum in his honor.

How to get there

You can get to Brussels using the airports, because planes fly here very often, as well as using a railway connection from European countries.

The museum can be reached by metro from Ger Central or Park station, trams No. 92 and No. 94, buses No. 95, No. 71, No. 29 and others also run here. In addition, you can rent a car, here it can be done very easily; taxis, of which there are also a very large number. Only if you come to the museum by car, you should think carefully about where to leave it, as there is no parking nearby.

Working hours

The Rene Magritte Museum is open: Tuesday-Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm, Wednesday from 10 am to 8 pm. Weekends are Monday, 2nd Thursday of January, 1st May, 1st and 11th November, and Christmas is also 25th December.

Ticket price

The cost of tickets for an adult is 8 euros, seniors and groups of more than 14 people are given a discount of 3 euros, so the entrance for them will already be 5 euros. There are also benefits for students; they can visit the museum for only 2 euros.

The Rene Magritte Museum is an incredible place where many secrets and mysteries are hidden in the work of the famous artist. What he wanted to convey with his works to people and the whole world is not clear, but one thing is clear - he was an intelligent, brilliant and creative person. That is why all his fans consider it right to open a museum in his honor, which will help many of its visitors to discover something new, perfect, beautiful, it is possible to unravel some secrets or secrets ...

In the future, they want to make the museum the largest research center for the artist's heritage. With the help of a variety of modern equipment, a museum research center will soon appear on the social networks of the world Internet web, where many documents from the museum's archives will be studied in detail. In addition, visitors to this site will have the opportunity to learn even more interesting facts about the life of a genius surrealist and creator of beautiful paintings, sculptures, photos and more.

Rene Magritte Museum on the map

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